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Afterschool Program

Afterschool Program

At PASB, our Panthers become Learner Experts – experts in lifelong learning and skill development, which will help them succeed in the complex and changing context of today’s interconnected world. Our school’s extracurricular activities and sports – the Afterschool Program – are built based on the matrix of skills that should be developed at each stage of our children’s school lives. The activities are grouped into five blocks: Panther Sports, Panther Clubs, Panther Partnerships, Panther Performing Arts, and Learning Labs.

  • Panther Sports [PK3 - Y12]

    Panther Sports have an educational and sportsmanship focus. The educational goals we pursue involve the development of a growth mindset, teamwork, communication skills, and the promotion of integrity and desirable health habits. Athletes also have the opportunity to participate in local and national sports festivals and tournaments with other schools from all over Brazil and abroad, such as FEEPS (Salvador Private Schools Sports Festival), Jocopar (Salvador Private Schools Games), Friendship Festival, and ISSL (International Schools Sports League).

    From Year 4 on, our evolving athletes participate in tryouts to earn their spots, as is customary in American schools. As a member of the Association of American Schools in Brazil (AASB), PASB offers within its Panther Sports program, at no additional cost, the practice of sports featured in AASB tournaments and competitions: soccer, futsal, volleyball, basketball, swimming, and cheerleading.

    For more information about Panther Sports, contact the Sports Department at

  • Panther Clubs [PK2 - Y12]

    Panther Clubs aim to develop the diverse interests and abilities of our children and to promote student leadership. Non-sporting out-of-class activities such as student council (STUCO), TED-Ed Club, Astronomy Club, Investment Club, the Model United Nations (MUN), Student Scoop, Band, Theater, as well as the Destination Imagination Program (DI), and the traditional PASB Musical.

    In addition to the established clubs – NHS, NjHS, GIN, and the Student Councils – the other clubs are created based on the interests of our children and teacher initiatives.

    For more information about Panther Clubs, contact the Activities Department at

  • Panther Performing Arts [Y2 - Y5]

    Acting, singing, and dancing are performing arts skills related to the musical theater universe, which our school offers free of charge to our children in Years 2 through 5 of Elementary School. The program is aligned with the PASB values and will be coordinated by PASB’s Drama teacher, Ms. Monique Monteiro. The Panther Performing Arts program contributes to the development of creativity, public speaking, teamwork, and storytelling skills, among many others that our Panthers acquire throughout their school life at PASB.

    For more information about Panther Performing Arts, contact Ms. Monique Monteiro at

  • Panther Partnerships [PK3 - Y12]

    To offer even more options, our school counts on the participation of partner companies. Without leaving the PASB campus, our children can participate in sports or have access to other activities and courses offered by partner companies and specialists in their fields after regular class time.

    Registration and payments must be made directly with the partner companies.

    The options of activities offered through our Panther Partnerships will be available soon. To nominate a partner company, contact the Activities Coordination Office at

  • Learning Labs [Kinder - Y8]

    Participation in the Learning Labs program depends on teachers’ invitation. It consists of additional academic support for our children, collaborating with their learning and school performance for those who need extra-classroom support.

    To find out more about Learning Labs, contact your division office.

At PASB, we are committed to the success of all our learners. The Portrait of a Panther represents a set of “transferable skills” that our children will carry throughout their lives, skill sets that they will need and use in order to be successful in the complex, changing context of today’s interconnected world.


Afterschool Program Team

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